Sunday, April 24, 2011

MV Shirt

Just today we have decided some designs for a MV shirt! Look around when you're out and see the different designs that attract you, write it down or better, sketch it out. Bring to class on Sunday and share it with everyone:D Its an idea worth sharing!

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

I found this video very interesting and it gives me a new perspective of things. Take a look and read the comments I have below...

We are all the same but why some organizations are better and attract more people than the rest?
They are better not because they are well funded and/or qualified but because all those great leaders in the world think/act and communicate the exact same way and it is completely different from the rest of the world.

What is your purpose/core and why do we exist?

This can be applied to not just to temple related stuff but also to life! What is your purpose here?

Take for an example this Vesak, we are promoting our youth class and here are two ways you can intro to new friends who are keen to know more of what we do:
1)We are the youth group from MV and we have lessons every Sundays and also do regular community services at Geylang home for the aged. Wanna join us?

2)We are a group of youths who believe in the teachings of the Buddha, Dharmma and Sangha and we are here to reach out to those who know little about it in a fun loving way and to provide exciting activites and camps and at the same time, foster friendship through interaction and bonding. We have SHARING every Sunday and also do regular community services. Want to join us?

Do you realize that the whole feeling changes? Well, its because (2) targets WHY is the youth group formed in the first place and this traces back to our objectives! That is why our objectives is very important as it moulds us to who we are and what we do and how we help the community. Everytime we do something, we have to have an objective in mind and this makes us stay on track and ultimately getting what we want.

He also talked about the law of diffusion of innovation. Even though its innovation, it can be applied to anything we do that we want to promote or share with others and how to attract people to what you believe. We have to believe in ourselves and also know why are we here for and then that's how we can "tip the scales"! Be special and stand out :D

If we don’t know what we do, and people to respond to why you do what you do, how are we able to get people to be part of what we do?

Think about it. Share your comments if you have any:D